Sometimes we need to get the base address of some kernel modules, such as ntoskrnl, win32k and other device driver modules. So far as I know there are three methods we can use to make it
Method 1: Query system information
MS has an undocumented function named ZwQuerySystemInformation which can obtain many information about the system. Its declaration is as below( see msdn docs page ):
OUT PVOID SystemInformation,
IN ULONG SystemInformationLength,
The first parameter SystemInformationClass indicates what information the function should query. Here we pass SystemModuleInformation as argument to get information about all kernel modules.
First we pass 0 to SystemInformation buffer to get accurate size of this information, allocate memory respectively and query system information.
as you can see, Module field in _SYSTEM_MODULE_INFORMATION is a list of _SYSTEM_MODULE_ENTRY in which each element represents a information block of corresponding module.
Generally the ntoskrnl module is always the first entry whose base address is pMods->Module[0].ImageBase. For other modules we can loop through the list and compare each entry's FullPathName, with our target module's path to get target module's base address.
( Note that the path is "\Systemroot\system32\module-name ").
PSYSTEM_MODULE_ENTRY pMod = pMods->Modules;
STRING targetModuleName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING("\\systemroot\\system32\\win32k.sys");
STRING current;
for (ULONG i = 0; i < pMods->NumberOfModules; i++)
rRtlInitAnsiString(¤t, (PCSZ)pMod[i].FullPathName);
if (0 == RtlCompareString(&targetModuleName, ¤t, TRUE))
g_ModuleBase = pMod[i].ImageBase;
g_ModuleSize = pMod[i].ImageSize;
Alternatively, if you have some data or function address belonging to a certain module, we can use it to get the module base address.
for (ULONG i = 0; i < pMods->NumberOfModules; i++)
// System routine is inside module
// checkPtr is an address within a module
if (checkPtr >= pMod[i].ImageBase &&
checkPtr < (PVOID)((PUCHAR)pMod[i].ImageBase + pMod[i].ImageSize))
g_KernelBase = pMod[i].ImageBase;
g_KernelSize = pMod[i].ImageSize;
Method 1.5: Query system information(Aux_Klib)
Just like method 1 MS has provided another query function named AuxKlibQueryModuleInformation which belongs to the lib Aux_Klib( Note you have to add it to link manually) to query ONLY system module information. This function is declared as below ( see msdn pages for details ):
So we can use these information to find any specified system module.
Method 2: Traverse system module list
There is a LIST_ENTRY data structure in kernel named PsLoadedModuleList, which is the head of a list of information blocks about all kernel modules. Each block has a structure defined as below:
The first field InLoadOrderLinks of every block is linked to the list, so we can traverse the list and for a block retrieve some information like FullDllName or BaseDllName , then compare them with our target module and get its base address.
Find PsLoadedModuleList
This structure is the head of the system module list, and the ntoskrnl module is always the first entry in the list, so we can find ntoskrnl in the list first and trace back to find PsLoadedModuleList.
First we need to find ntoskrnl 's base address ( well we can use method 1 showed above, and something else will be added here in future)
Then we need to find a breakthrough point into the system modules list. Actually we can use our own driver module to do this ( because it's in the list too).
In every driver's entry function DriverEntry , there is a parameter named DriverObject which has type of PDRIVER_OBJECT ( see msdn pages for detailed information of this structure ). The field DriverSection with PVOID type is actually a pointer to the KLDR_LOAD_TABLE_ENTRY structure stored information of the driver module, which is exactly the block inserted into the system modules list.
So the basic idea is to start from the list block of our driver, then traverse the list to find ntoskrnl module and get the list head PsLoadedMouldList at last.
// Get kernel base address already
// Get PsLoadedModuleList address
for (PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = pThisModule->InLoadOrderLinks.Flink; pListEntry != &pThisModule->InLoadOrderLinks; pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink)
// Search for Ntoskrnl entry
if (kernelBase == pEntry->DllBase)
// Ntoskrnl is always first entry in the list
// So the previous entry is the PsLoadedModuleList
// Check if found pointer belongs to Ntoskrnl module
if ((PVOID)pListEntry->Blink >= pEntry->DllBase && (PUCHAR)pListEntry->Blink < (PUCHAR)pEntry->DllBase + pEntry->SizeOfImage)
PsLoadedModuleList = pListEntry->Blink;
Find specified module
After we find the PsLoadedModuleList, To find any given kernel module we just need to traverse the list at the beginning. Like method 1, we can use either the module name or a address within the module.
// No images
if (IsListEmpty( PsLoadedModuleList ))
return NULL;
// Search in PsLoadedModuleList
for (PLIST_ENTRY pListEntry = PsLoadedModuleList->Flink; pListEntry != PsLoadedModuleList; pListEntry = pListEntry->Flink)
// Check by name or by address
if ((pName && RtlCompareUnicodeString( &pEntry->BaseDllName, pName, TRUE ) == 0) ||
(pAddress && pAddress >= pEntry->DllBase && (PUCHAR)pAddress < (PUCHAR)pEntry->DllBase + pEntry->SizeOfImage))
return pEntry;
Method 3: Through Driver Name
Every driver has a name like \Driver\driver-name, and we can get it's driver object pointer with its name by an undocumented function ObReferenceObjectByName, declared below:
IN ULONG Attributes,
IN PACCESS_STATE PassedAccessState,
IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
IN OUT PVOID ParseContext,
OUT PVOID* ObjectPtr);
Well, the parameter ObjectPath is the driver name we need to specify, AccessMode needs to be KernelMode, and ObjectPtr is used to receive the pointer to _DRIVER_OBJECT structure of specified driver module. Moreover the parameter ObjectType indicates which type the object belongs to, here the driver is IoDriverObjectType ( Note this type is undocumented so we need declare it explicitly as below).
Here we use keyboard class driver ( kbdclass.sys) as a example:
After we get the driver object pointer of specified driver, we can retrieve the KLDR_LOAD_TABLE_ENTRY structure through the DriverSection field and get some useful information including its base address.